  • Weisman Kaplan House
  • Weisman Kaplan House
    is located at 2521-2523 Maryland Avenue Baltimore, MD. 21218 and can be contacted by calling 410-467-5291. Weisman Kaplan House offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Transitional Living Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Alcohol Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, AIDS/HIV Clients, Lesbian and Gay, Over 50, Men, Court Appointed Client Services
    Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Payment Help

  • Contact Us
  • Each year, thousands of people choke on their own vomit while intoxicated by alcohol.
  • As of 1990, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans have stated that women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should not consume alcohol.
  • A survey of 4,271 students from more than 10 universities found that about a quarter of the students that had consumed alcohol in the past 30 days said they were mixing alcohol with energy drinks, either the premixed kind or Red Bull and vodka.
  • 21% of drivers ages 15 to 20 who died in motor vehicle crashes in 1998 had blood alcohol concentrations of at least 0.10%.

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