  • Glory Health Center Inc
  • Glory Health Center Inc
    is located at 4705 Harford Road Baltimore, MD. 21214 and can be contacted by calling 410-444-0779. Glory Health Center Inc offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid

  • Contact Us
  • As little as one drink can make you fail a breath test; in some states across America, a person under 21 that fails a breath test can lose their driver's license, be subject to a heavy fine, or even have their vehicle permanently taken away from them.
  • The total number of alcohol ads on network, local and cable television increased to 289,381 in 2002, a 39% hike from 2001.
  • When an individual needs a drink to steady the shakes in the morning, this is one of the major signs of alcoholism and a major red flag.
  • Loved ones should make plans to talk to the alcoholic shortly after an alcohol related problem has occurred; an example of this would be speaking to an alcohol dependent person that has been arrested for driving while intoxicated-- it is important, if at all possible, for the individual to be sober prior to this intervention.

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